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幸一 玉手

発行されなかった卒業証”unissued graduation certificates.”








また、当日は兵庫県知事斎藤元彦氏より、一般社団法人 芸術の森の理事3名の方々に、ひょうごウクライナ支援チャリティ大使としての委嘱状が渡されました。

On February 23, 2024, I had the opportunity to meet Ms. Maria Bondarenko, who was a speaker at the Creative Reconstruction Symposium in Ukraine, discussing "unissued graduation certificates."

This presentation featured speakers, including Ukrainian refugees, addressing audiences in 24 countries worldwide, including the UK, Europe, the US, India, and Japan, with Maria leading the presentation in Japan.

One particularly poignant story was that of Demianenko Valentin, a 21-year-old university student who volunteered for military service and lost his life in combat. Although students in Ukraine are exempt from military service, he chose to defend his homeland by volunteering for active duty.

After the presentation, I spoke with Maria and asked if she still felt anxious. She replied affirmatively, stating that she experiences anxiety every day. I then introduced counseling techniques by Dr. Niwa and informed her that remote diagnosis was also possible, to which she nodded in agreement.

Furthermore, on that day, Mr. Motohiko Saito, the Governor of Hyogo Prefecture, presented letters of appointment to three members of the Art Forest Association, appointing them as Hyogo Ukraine Support Charity Ambassadors.



【 背景・目的 】 東日本大震災及び東京電力福島第一原発事故による影響で、被災地域では今も複雑かつ深刻な課題を抱えています。 昨今では、子どもの居場所・遊び場の不足、療育に関する資源と人材不足、高齢者の孤立、支援・復興疲れ、若者の引きこもり、転居から来る孤立等の課題が見受け...

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